
htf.Settings is used to store and modify local settings that can easily be used within your test cases or components. The local settings are stored in JSON or YAML format. JSON is the default format. YAML is assumed if the settings file extension is .yml or .yaml.

If no filename parameter is given and no htf.Settings instance exists the settings file is searched for using the following algorithm.

First the environment variable $HTF_SETTINGS is checked. If it does not exist or settings cannot be loaded, settings are searched for in $HOME and the current working directory. The expected file name is settings followed by the extensions .txt, .json, .yml or .yaml.

The first file that exists is loaded. If it contains errors no settings are loaded and an exception is raised.

htf.Settings behaves like a dictionary. So you can read and write values by keys, update it and iterate items. It is also possible to access keys without indexing like these were normal attributes

assert settings["key"] == settings.key  # True

It can be pretty-printed, too to inspect its contents.

htf.Settings is a singleton. This means that the settings are loaded once and every other created instance is always the same.

If you want distinct instances use htf.SettingsNoSingleton which offer the same behaviour without being a singleton.

JSON Example

A JSON settings file named settings.json and the contents

    "comport": "/dev/ttyUSB0",
    "debug_flags": {
        "filename": "debug.txt",
        "level": 1
    "last_updated": 1552207883,
    "report_server": ""

can easily be loaded with

s = htf.Settings(filename="settings.json")
# <htf.Settings filename='settings.yml' data={
# "comport": "/dev/ttyUSB0",
# "debug_flags": {
#     "filename": "debug.txt",
#     "level": 1
# },
# "last_updated": 1552207883,
# "report_server": ""
# }>

To access members use

s.comport  # or

To set a single member use

s.another_comport = "/dev/ttyUSB1"  # or
s["another_comport"] = "/dev/ttyUSB1"

To update the settings with another dictionary or other settings use

s.update(dict(a=1, b=2))
# <htf.Settings filename='settings.json' data={
# "a": 1,
# "b": 2,
# "comport": "/dev/ttyUSB0",
# "debug_flags": {
#     "filename": "debug.txt",
#     "level": 1
# },
# "last_updated": 1552207883,
# "report_server": ""
# }>

To save settings use

YAML Example

A YAML settings file named settings.yml and the contents

# This is a comment within a settings file that JSON does not support
comport: "/dev/ttyUSB0"
    filename: "debug.txt"
    level: 1
last_updated: 1552207883
report_server: ""

can easily be loaded with

s = htf.Settings(filename="settings.yml")
# <htf.Settings filename='settings.yml' data={
# "comport": "/dev/ttyUSB0",
# "debug_flags": {
#     "filename": "debug.txt",
#     "level": 1
# },
# "last_updated": 1552207883,
# "report_server": ""
# }>

Attention: when saving YAML all comments are lost!

Create a Settings File

To create new settings use

s = htf.Settings(
            "foo": "bar",
# save settings
# cat new_settings.yml
# foo: "bar"


class htf.Settings(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Settings can be used to access local settings easily. It is a singleton.

The local settings file is automatically searched looking in $HTF_SETTINGS, $HOME/settings.{txt,json,yml,yaml} or ./settings.{txt,json,yml,yaml} in this order. If no settings file was found an exception is raised except create is True.

Settings are stored in JSON or YAML format. If the file extension is .yml or .yaml YAML data is assumed else JSON.

Instantiate a Settings instance.

  • filename=None – the filename to load explicitly

  • create=False – if set to True no exception is raised if no settings are found to create new settings

  • defaults=None – if set to a dict these values are used as default values before loading the settings file

get(key: str, default: Any | None = None) Any

Get an item and return default if the item was not found.

  • key – key for item

  • default=None – is returned if key was not found.



Return type:


get_filename() str | None

Return the currently used settings filename.

get_settings_filenames() List[str]

Return a list of possible settings filenames that are tried in order. The first available file is used. You can overwrite this method in your specialized Settings.


a list of filenames that are tried to be opened from left to right.

The first file that is opened will be used to read settings from.

Return type:


items() Iterator[Any]

Iterate over items like in a dict.


Iterator over the items (key, value)

save() None

Save current settings to current filename (useful after modification).

Attention: YAML comments are lost when overwriting an existing YAML file!

update(data: Dict[str, Any]) None

Update settings with data.


data – data to use for update


class htf.SettingsNoSingleton(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Settings without being a singleton.

Instantiate a Settings instance.

  • filename=None – the filename to load explicitly

  • create=False – if set to True no exception is raised if no settings are found to create new settings

  • defaults=None – if set to a dict these values are used as default values before loading the settings file

get(key: str, default: Any | None = None) Any

Get an item and return default if the item was not found.

  • key – key for item

  • default=None – is returned if key was not found.



Return type:


get_filename() str | None

Return the currently used settings filename.

get_settings_filenames() List[str]

Return a list of possible settings filenames that are tried in order. The first available file is used. You can overwrite this method in your specialized Settings.


a list of filenames that are tried to be opened from left to right.

The first file that is opened will be used to read settings from.

Return type:


items() Iterator[Any]

Iterate over items like in a dict.


Iterator over the items (key, value)

save() None

Save current settings to current filename (useful after modification).

Attention: YAML comments are lost when overwriting an existing YAML file!

update(data: Dict[str, Any]) None

Update settings with data.


data – data to use for update