htf.main() — Testscript utility

htf.main is used to start tests if not using htf (the command-line-utility) within a test-script.

htf.main(title: str = 'Testreport', tests: Any | List[Any] = '__main__', tags: str | None = None, fixture_tags: str | None = None, html_report: str | List[str] | None = None, junit_xml_report: str | List[str] | None = None, json_report: str | List[str] | None = None, yaml_report: str | List[str] | None = None, report_server: str | List[str] | None = None, extra_report: Any | List[Any] | None = None, create_drafts: bool = False, open_report: bool = False, pattern: str = 'test*.py', metadata: Dict[str, Any] | None = None, parameters: Dict[str, str] | None = None, exit: bool = True, fail_fast: bool = False, minimize_report_size: bool = False, interactive: bool = False, interactive_address: str = '', interactive_port: int = 8080, open_browser: bool = True, shuffle: bool = False, shuffle_seed: str | int | None = None) int

Test runner.

  • title – the test’s title

  • tests=None – a test-specifier or a list of test-specifiers (folder, file, test-case, test-case-method, module)

  • tags=None – test filter expression

  • fixture_tags=None – fixture filter expression

  • html_report=None – HTML-report filename(s)

  • junit_xml_report=None – JUnit-XML-report filename(s)

  • json_report=None – JSON-report filename(s)

  • yaml_report=None – YAML-report filename(s)

  • report_server=None – Url or list of urls to report server

  • extra_report=None – Extra reports that support instance.render(data). This is useful for htf.DOORSTestReport for example that needs additional parameters.

  • create_drafts=False – if set to True draft reports are created after each test

  • open_report=False – if set to True the HTML test report is opened after the test run

  • pattern="test*.py" – the pattern to be used when searching for python files in folders

  • metadata=None – a dictionary that contains metadata about the test run

  • parameters=None – a dictionary that contains parameters for the test run

  • exit=True – if set to True the exit() is called at the end of the tests

  • fail_fast=False – if set to True the test run ends after the first failing test

  • minimize_report_size=False – if set to True the report size is minimized.

  • interactive=False – if set to True the tests are run interactively

  • interactive_address="" – the ip address the interaction server listens on.

  • interactive_port=8080 – the port the interaction server listens on.

  • open_browser=True – if set to False browser is not opened automatically

  • shuffle=False – set to True to shuffle tests

  • shuffle_seed=None – the shuffle seed or ‘last’ to use the last shuffle seed


0 if the run was successful or the number of failed tests in case or errors and failures.

Return type:


Running tests

This section show some usage examples.

The first example covers the basic usage for a simple test-case running on Python 3.9+.

import htf

class ExampleTestCase(htf.TestCase):
    def test_example(self):

if __name__ == "__main__":

This runs all tests within ExampleTestCase and generates an HTML-report names testreport.html.

Specifying tests

htf.main supports the tests parameter. It may be None, a test-specifier or a list of test-specifiers.

A test-specifier may be a python module, a feature file, a globbing-expression for python modules (e.g. test_*.py), a globbing expression for feature files (e.g. features/*.feature), a folder or an import-string (python style). In comparison to the htf command-line-utility it may also be a module-instance, a test-case or a test-case-method.

Test-specifiers can be mixed.

htf.main(tests=["<test-specifier1>", "<test-specifier2>", .. "<test-specifierN>"])

If only one test-specifier is supplied, it is not necessary to use a list


If a test-specifier is a python module it is imported and all testable objects are collected into a test-suite that is used for the test run.


If a test-specifier ist a globbing-expression the expression is evaluated and all matching files are imported.


If a test-specifier is a folder this folder is searched recursively and all python modules found within (see File pattern, pattern=) are imported and all testable objects are collected into a test suite that is used for the test run.

Consider the folder tests, which contains python modules with unit tests. To execute all test cases in the folder tests, simply use


In case tests is an importable package or module, located in the python search path, the names might collide. In this case, simply use


If a test-specifier is an import string, this may be a package, a module, a class (inheriting from htf.TestCase) or a method.

If a test-specifier is a package or a module, it is imported and containing tests are executed.

htf.main(tests=["tests", "tests.test_example"])

If a class is used it should be a testcase inheriting from htf.TestCase. This testcase is used in a test suite and all tests are run.


If a method is used it should be a method within a test case.


The examples above are analog to the command-line-utility htf.

In contrast to the command-line-utility htf, htf.main supports even more test-specifiers.

To test a module-instance use

import htf
import htf_examples.htf_main_1

if __name__ == "__main__":

To test a test-case use

import htf

class ExampleTestCase(htf.TestCase):
    def test_example(self):

if __name__ == "__main__":

And to test a test-case-method use

import htf

class ExampleTestCase(htf.TestCase):
    def test_example1(self):

    def test_example2(self):

if __name__ == "__main__":


When specifying methods as test specifiers in Python 3 the test class will be the class implementing the method and not necessarily the one specified. This means the methods called will also be the ones of the implementing class and may not be the ones you expect.

To clarify see the following example.

class Super:
    def whoami(self):

    def test_whoami(self):

class Sub(Super):
    def whoami(self):

When running htf with Sub.test_whoami as a test specifier Super.test_whoami is executed instead. This is due to a limitation in Python 3 where the inheriting class can not be resolved from the function reference.


To work around this issue you can either use the class itself as a specifier Sub, or pass an instance instead:



To specify the test-title use the title= argument.

htf.main(title="This is my first test")


By default htf.main generates an HTML-report called testreport.html. To specify an HTML-report use the html_report= argument.


Multiple reports can be generated by supplying a list of filenames

htf.main(html_report=["tests1.html", "tests2.html"])

To open all HTML-reports use open_report=True.

htf.main(html_report="tests.html", open_report=True)


htf.main is also able to generate JUnit-XML-compatible XML-reports. The reports can be evaluated by different tools, eg. Jenkins.

To specify an XML-report use the junit_xml_report= argument.


or with multiple reports

htf.main(junit_xml_report=["tests1.xml", "tests2.xml"])


htf.main can also generate JSON-reports.

To specify a JSON-report use the json_report= argument.


or with multiple reports

htf.main(json_report=["tests1.json", "tests2.json"])


htf.main can also generate YAML-reports.

To specify a YAML-report use the yaml_report= argument.


or with multiple reports

htf.main(yaml_report=["tests1.yaml", "tests2.yaml"])

Other reports

There are other reports that need more parameters so that they need to be instantiated outside of htf.main.

For example htf.DOORSTestReport needs more information about report-module, requirements-modules and links-modules.

To use such a report use the extra_report= argument

import htf

class Tests(htf.TestCase):

    def test_assertionError(self):
        o = None

if __name__ == "__main__":
    doors_report = htf.DOORSTestReport(
                           "REQ_.*": "/path/to/requirements_module",
                           "TEST_.*": "/path/to/test_specification",
                           "REQ_.*": "/path/to/links/to/requirements_module",
                           "TEST_.*": "/path/to/links/to/test_specification",

You can also supply a list of report instances

htf.main(extra_report=[report1, report2, ..., reportN])

Report Server

To send test results to a test report server (hre) use report_server.


To disable SSL-verfification you can set the environment variable HTF_INSECURE to any value.

Draft Reports

To create draft reports after each test set create_drafts=True.


Minimized Report Size

To minimize the report size use minimize=True. When used for example captured stdout and stderr is only kept for failed tests. By default the report size is not minimized.


Shuffle Tests

To shuffle tests before running use shuffle=True.


To set the shuffle seed use shuffle_seed=<int>|'last'. If 'last' is used the seed is loaded from 'shuffle_seed.txt'. If the file cannot be found one seed is created.

After a seed is created it is stored to be used next time. Using the seed the shuffle result can be reproduced.

htf.main(shuffle=True, shuffle_seed=12345)
htf.main(shuffle=True, shuffle_seed='last')


Filenames for reports can include prepopulated templates.

Available templates:

  • {{title}} - the title as a filename

  • {{date}} - the current date "%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S"

  • {{hostname}}, {{host}} or {{node}} - the hostname

  • {{htf_version}} or {{version}} - the htf version, eg. htf_1.0.0

  • {{python_version}} - the python version, eg. Python_3.6.1

To generate an HTML-report containing the current node and the current date


Fail fast

If the fail_fast=True argument is used the test run ends after the first failing test.

File pattern

If a test-specifier is a folder the default pattern used for file discovery is test*.py. The pattern can be changed using the pattern= argument.

htf.main(tests="tests/", pattern="*.py")


To select tests using a logical expression use the tags option set to an expression.


To list all available tags use the htf.get_tags function.

htf.get_tags(tests: Any | List[Any] = '__main__', pattern: str = 'test*.py') List[str]

Get a list of tags found in the specified tests.

  • tests=None – a test-specifier or a list of test-specifiers (folder, file, test-case, test-case-method, module)

  • pattern="test*.py" – the pattern to be used when searching for python files in folders


a list of tags found in the specified tests.

Return type:

list of str

To use tags for fixtures use the fixture_tags option set to an expression.



To add metadata about the test run use the metadata parameter set to a dictionary containing metadata.

This feature can be used to, for example, add information about a tested firmware version, etc.

metadata_dict = dict(firmware_version="1.2.3", hardware_version="4.5.6")

The metadata will appear in the test reports.


You can add parameters to test runs to control the behavior of tests and fixtures. Use the parameters parameter as a dict to supply parameters to test runs.

The parameters are available via the htf.fixtures.Parameters fixture.

htf.main(parameters=dict(name1="value1", name2="value2"))

The parameters will also appear in the test result metadata. is an alias for htf.main. str = 'Testreport', tests: Any | List[Any] = '__main__', tags: str | None = None, fixture_tags: str | None = None, html_report: str | List[str] | None = None, junit_xml_report: str | List[str] | None = None, json_report: str | List[str] | None = None, yaml_report: str | List[str] | None = None, report_server: str | List[str] | None = None, extra_report: Any | List[Any] | None = None, create_drafts: bool = False, open_report: bool = False, pattern: str = 'test*.py', metadata: Dict[str, Any] | None = None, parameters: Dict[str, str] | None = None, exit: bool = True, fail_fast: bool = False, minimize_report_size: bool = False, interactive: bool = False, interactive_address: str = '', interactive_port: int = 8080, open_browser: bool = True, shuffle: bool = False, shuffle_seed: str | int | None = None) int

Test runner.

  • title – the test’s title

  • tests=None – a test-specifier or a list of test-specifiers (folder, file, test-case, test-case-method, module)

  • tags=None – test filter expression

  • fixture_tags=None – fixture filter expression

  • html_report=None – HTML-report filename(s)

  • junit_xml_report=None – JUnit-XML-report filename(s)

  • json_report=None – JSON-report filename(s)

  • yaml_report=None – YAML-report filename(s)

  • report_server=None – Url or list of urls to report server

  • extra_report=None – Extra reports that support instance.render(data). This is useful for htf.DOORSTestReport for example that needs additional parameters.

  • create_drafts=False – if set to True draft reports are created after each test

  • open_report=False – if set to True the HTML test report is opened after the test run

  • pattern="test*.py" – the pattern to be used when searching for python files in folders

  • metadata=None – a dictionary that contains metadata about the test run

  • parameters=None – a dictionary that contains parameters for the test run

  • exit=True – if set to True the exit() is called at the end of the tests

  • fail_fast=False – if set to True the test run ends after the first failing test

  • minimize_report_size=False – if set to True the report size is minimized.

  • interactive=False – if set to True the tests are run interactively

  • interactive_address="" – the ip address the interaction server listens on.

  • interactive_port=8080 – the port the interaction server listens on.

  • open_browser=True – if set to False browser is not opened automatically

  • shuffle=False – set to True to shuffle tests

  • shuffle_seed=None – the shuffle seed or ‘last’ to use the last shuffle seed


0 if the run was successful or the number of failed tests in case or errors and failures.

Return type:



htf.verify verifies the system environment for validated installations.

htf.verify() bool

Verify system environment. Needs htf-validated installed and the license feature verification.


True in case the system environment was successfully verified else False

Return type:
