Continuous Integration


The Jenkins demo is located in continuous_integration/jenkins.

You need Java to run the demo. You also need Cygwin on Windows and the Cygwin binaries must be in PATH environment variable.

The demo folder contains a simple Jenkins job configured to use htf.

First download jenkins.war into continuous_integration/jenkins folder.

Then, on Windows, run

set JENKINS_HOME=jenkins_home
java -jar jenkins.war

and on Linux run

export JENKINS_HOME=`pwd`/jenkins_home
java -jar jenkins.war

Now you can access the Jenkins web frontend using your browser by opening this link.

Username and password are jenkins.

The existing job htf_demo contains the pipeline script that runs htf and stores and evaulates the reports.

node("master") {
    stage("Run tests using htf") {
        try {
            sh "htf -H results.html -x results.xml ../../../../../core/*.py || true"
        finally {
            archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'results.html', fingerprint: true
            junit 'results.xml'